Green Belt Training and Certification
"Practitioner Level” understanding and skills required to support and implement business improvement projects, either as part of your everyday job role or through leading Green Belt improvement projects for your organisation. The course sets out with an integrative framework for understanding the fundamental principles of the Lean and Six Sigma methodology, tools and techniques and the Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control problem solving roadmap. Leading edge project case studies, group tutorials and simulations are designed to ensure a practical understanding of systematically selecting and applying appropriate methods and tool. You will also be challenged to evaluate learning outcomes in the context of your markets, operations, organisation’s and technologies.
Learning Outcomes
» Be able to Apply the DMAIC problem solving methodology and an Green Belt tool-kit to manage and implement process improvement projects.
» Insights on where to focus attention to influence change in your organisation and how to identify, scope and charter process improvement projects.
» Practical understanding of Lean Six Sigma and hands-on application to real world project scenarios.
Who should attend
Team members, supervisors, project manager’s, functional and technical experts, consultants, senior executives, business leaders or sponsors from a wide variety of manufacturing, service and transactional organisations.
Green Belt Certification Criteria
Achieve 70% pass mark in the Green Belt final exam on the last day of the course.
Interest in developing Lean Six Sigma skills and at least two years work experience
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