RES ONE Service Store 2015 Basic Course (ROSSBC-700)

De RES ONE Service Store 2015 Basis training (ROSSBC-700) is een 3-daagse training waarin beheerders diepgaande kennis opdoen over de installatie, configuratie en het gebruik van RES ONE Service Store. Het ontwerp van business processen komt niet aan bod. 

Voor wie is de RES ONE Service Store 2015 training geschikt?

Administrators who perform computer management with RES ONE Automation in Microsoft Windows environments and who want to learn how they can implement self-servicing and automatic service delivery in their organization.

Duur training

3 dagen

Gewenste voorkennis

  • Basis kennis van het Microsoft Windows besturingssysteem
  • RES ONE Automation 2015 Basic training (ROABC-700)

Globale inhoud

  • About this Course
  • About RES ONE Service Store
  • Installation and Setup, including administrative roles and licensing 
  • The Organizational Structure
  • External Data Sources
  • The Service Catalog
  • Placeholders
  • Smart rules
  • Management and Administration, including the transaction safeguard, branding and self-service password management
  • Integration with RES ONE Workspace and RES ONE Automation


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