Security awareness at many companies often starts with the OWASP top 10. Unfortunately, we see that these top 10 most common risks are adopted by many companies as security requirements for their applications. As a result, many applications outside the stated risks of the OWASP top 10 still turn out to be equally vulnerable due to other known attacks.

OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) is a standard under the OWASP banner and provides developers with a basis for testing a number of technical security controls for web applications. This standard also provides you with a list of requirements / requirements for secure software development. This course is intended to get acquainted with the OWASP-ASVS and how to apply it during application development with the aim of developing your application “Secure by design”.

Wat kan ik na deze training?

  • Apply ASVS during application development.
  • Select the correct security requirements.
  • Understand and apply the concept of SSDLC and quality gates.
  • Build applications that are “Secure by Design”.

Voor wie is de OWASP-ASVS & Secure SDLC Overview training geschikt?

Developers, managers and application security specialists

Duur training

2 dagen

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