OSEE training (EXP-401) Advanced Windows Exploitation

The OSEE is the most difficult exploit development certification you can earn. We recommend completing the 300-level certifications before registering for this course.

Students who complete EXP-401 and pass the exam will earn the Offensive Security Exploitation Expert (OSEE) certification. The OSEE exam assesses not only the course content, but also the ability to think laterally and adapt to new challenges.

The virtual lab environment has a limited number of target systems. The software within contains specific, unknown vulnerabilities. Students have 72 hours to develop and document exploits. The exam requires a stable, high-speed internet connection.

You must submit a comprehensive penetration test report as part of the exam. It should contain in-depth notes and screenshots detailing the steps taken and the exploit methods used.


  • Bypass and evasion of user mode security mitigations such as DEP, ASLR, CFG, ACG and CET
  • Advanced heap manipulations to obtain code execution along with guest-to-host and sandbox escapes
  • Disarming WDEG mitigations and creating version independence for weaponization
  • 64-Bit Windows Kernel Driver reverse engineering and vulnerability discovery
  • Bypass of kernel mode security mitigations such as kASLR, NX, SMEP, SMAP, kCFG and HVCI

Who should attend:

Exploit Developers seeking advanced Windows skills.

Security Pros wanting deeper exploitation techniques.

Red Teamers aiming for advanced Windows exploits.

AppSec Analysts exploring advanced exploitation scenarios

Rooster komende maanden:

Startdatum Locatie
19 februari 2024 Londen Inschrijven
23 - 27 september 2024 Veenendaal Inschrijven

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